Future Design Today

the Creative Fit Blog

  • Solar Panel Powered Production Retrofit Earns LEED GOLD

    Solar Panel Powered Production Retrofit Earns LEED GOLD

    Creative Fit Architect Wade Takashima and TWC Construction pioneered the LEED-certified construction in Las Vegas more than a decade ago by covering a about a half million square feet of the city’s facilities in solar panels. The leadership of environmentally minded clients like Pro Caps Vitamins founder Andrew Lessman, helped build some of Las Vegas’ first…

  • The Net Zero LEED Platinum Bike Shop

    The Net Zero LEED Platinum Bike Shop

    In 2012, Creative FIT, Inc celebrated the launch one of the first LEED Platinum-certified retail operations in Nevada. Jared Fisher’s Las Vegas Cyclery Net Zero building in Las Vegas makes more energy than it uses. To help others find their inspiration and follow their LEED (*snicker*) they have always invited you to peek under the covers with this virtual…

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